Our Farm
Nestled on the west ridge of Bixhoma Lake in the foothills of Concharty Mountain in Oklahoma, we found our dream property. This mountain range was marked by Concharty Township, an original trading post along the banks of the Arkansas River. The name is derived from the original Creek name, Conjada Mountain and means "marble candy."
Our 125 acre farm sits in the foothills of this mountain range and has the best to offer our customers. While we are small and few right now, we will continue to add products as our farm grows and give all the glory to our Father, Yehovah.
Thank you for stopping by. We hope you find something you can't do without!
Psalm 16:5-6 Yehovah, You alone are my portion and my cup; You make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.
We started our farm project in 2018 with construction of our black barn before we even lived on the property. Years later we are settled with farm animals, gardens and lots of products in the works to share.